Cuban Fury – Goal Setting with Comedy Film – Review – The Suburban Times – The Suburban Times - Pour Motive


Cuban Fury – Goal Setting with Comedy Film – Review – The Suburban Times – The Suburban Times

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The film opening soared past in a blur of color and music. It was something about Salsa dancing.

I had been mowing the lawn all afternoon. I took a shower and crawled into bed for a nap. I turned on the TV and searched through Prime and saw a colorful image in the list of comedies. I began watching. The film opening soared past in a blur of color and music. It was something about Salsa dancing. Soon I began seeing the stars of the production that I had missed in the opening blast of movement. Once I saw Chris O’Dowd and Ian McShane I was hooked. Soon I put the film on hold and went to get my wife, Peggy. She joined me in bed, I ran the video back to the beginning and we laughed and cuddled all through the video. Cuban Fury isn’t for everyone, but if you like to laugh and howl . . . and enjoy music and dancing, this film is a must.

What is Cuban Fury about? Achieving your dreams . . . “Beneath Bruce Garrett’s under-confident, overweight exterior, the passionate heart of a salsa king lies dormant. Now, one woman is about to reignite his Latin fire.”

Pierce College
One woman is about to reignite Bruce’s Latin fire.

Story Line:
1987: A 13 year old natural born dancer with fire in his heels and snakes in his hips is working himself up to explode all over the UK Junior Salsa Championships. But then: a freakish bullying incident on the mean streets of London robs him of his confidence, and our young hero finds his life diverted down a very different path. So it is that 22 years later, an adult Bruce Garrett (Nick Frost) finds himself out-of-shape and unloved – trapped in a downward spiral of self-pity, repression and Nando’s take-outs. Only Julia (Rashida Jones), his smart, funny, gorgeous new American boss, gives him reason to live. But she’s untouchable – out of his league, so he imagines, with her perfect smile and perfect life. Unknown to Bruce however, Julia has issues of her own. Luckily for him, she also has a secret passion – salsa dancing! Then there’s Drew (Chris O’Dowd), his alpha male colleague and horny king-monkey of the office. With Drew making no secret of his desire to get (his words) “all up inside Julia”, Bruce is forced into action. And thus, Bruce is once again brought face-to-face with the darkest and most powerful of his inner demons. Somehow, someway, and with a lot of hand-holding from loyal sister Sam (Olivia Colman) Bruce must learn how to unshackle his dancing beast, regain his long lost fury and claim the love of his life…and he’s going to do it all On The Dance Floor…

Brink & Sadler

Here is the official Trailer for Cuban Fury –

My favorite scene is the dance-off between Bruce and Drew. It was wild and hilarious . . . and worth the price of admission.

Olivia Colman as Bruce’s sister, and award winning partner, was excellent all the way through.

Kayvan Novak as fellow salsa lover Bejan, was so darn helpful (shave your chest) and lovable. He gave Bruce suggestions and help. He even offered to share his home-made Fanta! (Ugh!)

Chris O’Dowd as the lying, cheating, obnoxious Lothario Drew, was a constant in-you-face opposition to Bruce that also helped Bruce achieve what he wanted and deserved. Bruce needed to overcome the nastiness of Drew who also represented the youngsters that ruined the young brother and sister dance champions.

Charles Wright Academy

Trivia from IMDB – “In the scene were Bruce (Nick Frost) and Drew (Chris O’Dowd) are doing the dance-off in the parking garage, a car beeps to pass by, and in the car is Simon Pegg, Frost’s frequent co-star from Spaced (1999), the Cornetto Trilogy and Paul (2011) (amongst others), and O’Dowd’s from How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008).”

One review
There were many 15-year-olds in the cinema who laughed throughout and will no doubt be repeating the bad language and toilet humor at school on Monday but I didn’t see any adult do much more than chuckle.

Ed Selden Carpet One

7/10 – “A date movie men can enjoy.”

Having others believe in you and working with you is essential.

Mockfilmreviews24 January 2016
“Normally, I am not the kind of man who would sit down to watch a film about dancing (unless, of course, given carte blanche to ridicule said film to my better half), but I had a feeling about the Salsa Comedy Cuban Fury (2014). With a cast consisting of some of the best the boys across the pond have to offer in Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead 2004), Chris O’Dowd (Bridesmaids 2011), and the ever compelling Ian McShane (Deadwood). Drop in the adorable Rashida Jones (Parks and Recreation) and you have a very solid cast who are masters at comic timing. I first became aware of this movie a few months ago watching trailers one afternoon on my computer. Looked funny, never heard about it again, then it popped up on Netflix Streaming. One boring afternoon, my best gal and I sat down to give it a gander and had a really great time with it.”

DuPont Museum

I really think that most people, if they know what your goals are and how hard you are working to achieve them, are willing to help. Having others believe in you and working with you is essential. This film could have been shortened and gone for a few more laughs, but much of the joy would have died with it.

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