Touro Prepares Future CFO for Career Success | Lander College of Arts & Sciences | Touro University – Touro College - Pour Motive


Touro Prepares Future CFO for Career Success | Lander College of Arts & Sciences | Touro University – Touro College

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Why did you choose accounting as your career path?

Originally, I intended to major in finance. But during my first semester I took an accounting class and noticed I enjoyed and understood the subject very well. I enjoyed how everything had a place and how there were concrete answers. I wanted to learn more, so I made the switch get my degree in accounting.

What is your ultimate career goal? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

My ultimate career goal is to become CFO of a financial company. Over the next 10 years I hope to gain experience by expanding my career path at different types of accounting and financial firms. I also hope to give back to my community based on my skills and knowledge.

You recently got internship offers at KPMG, NYFS Audit, and EY Tax. What steps did you take to make that happen?

I had other internships in accounting prior to applying for one at a large accounting firm. Those experiences gave me the confidence to apply for internships with the big 4 accounting firms. Additionally, I was introduced to people who work at the Big 4 and they helped coach me through the application process. Touro Career Center’s Chaim Shapiro was helpful in reviewing my resume, assisting me in my online profile, and prepping me for the interviews. Even with all the help, it took me a while to get these positions. I kept applying and never gave up on myself nor the process.

What was your day-to-day role at KPMG? What did you learn? What will be your day-to-day role at EY?

My work for KPMG was focused on audit while for my EY internship will be in international tax. While at KPMG, I either worked on the list of tasks that I was responsible for and or I was helping a teammate on their projects. I learnt that self confidence in your work really helps the decision-making process, and it shows the team how you are applying your critical thinking. Also, offering to help others is a great way to show team effort and can get you placed on tasks that will make you more valuable at the company.

How did Touro prepare you for your internship and, ultimately, your career?

Touro helped me prepare through its career center, where they helped me practice my interview skills and gain a better understanding of what different companies are looking for in an intern. The guidance from Chaim Shapiro helped me gain more self-confidence in my field and focus on my career path. Self-confidence while remaining humble is the most valuable skill that I have learnt from Touro.

What advice do you have for other students who would like to land an internship or a job at one of the big 4 accounting firms?

No matter what, APPLY, even if you think you won’t be accepted. It’s important to get yourself out there and show your diligence. Also, NETWORK, this helps gain a better understanding of the profession. If you can, reach out to individuals from companies you are interested in to determine if the firm is the right place for you. This will not only give you better insight but also hopefully a leg up in getting your resume through the system. When you do get the internship or job, remember people want to work with people who are positive and upbeat. So, no matter what day your having, put your feelings aside and be a breath of fresh air for your colleagues.

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