NCET Biz Tips: Everybody has to believe in something – Northern Nevada Business Weekly - Pour Motive


NCET Biz Tips: Everybody has to believe in something – Northern Nevada Business Weekly

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Battle Born Ice Chest

Battle Born Ice Chest

For some, it is the pleasure of enjoying with friends an easy-drinking American lager with hints of the flavor and character of a German pilsner. Yet where do you find such a crisp, refreshing beer? What is surprising is that you can find it right here in Reno. Reno is home to Battle Born Beer and its state-of-the-art production brewery launched on Nevada Day in 2019.

There is a compelling story behind Battle Born Beer and its vision to become the state beer of Nevada, so please read on.

It started years ago with Jeff Pickett convincing his Los Angeles branding agency employer that it would be a good idea for him to move to Reno. You could say it was a quality of life move that had a side benefit of skiing 50-days a year. Once introduced to Nevada’s unique, independent, true-west culture, Jeff never wanted to leave.

Knowing a thing or two about consumer brands, Jeff saw a white space that crossed both disruption in the saturated craft beer space and the opportunity for the cultural pride that exists in Nevada for a state beer, much like Lone Star Beer is in Texas. Jeff decided to fill that space with an unpretentious and easy-drinking American lager with the independent and local appeal of craft.

Bill Leonard

There was NEVER consideration for another name for his beer business other than Battle Born Beer. If the company was going to establish itself and be known as the state beer, what better name than the symbol on the state flag? It was Battle Born from day one.

The original plan was to create a joint venture with an existing Nevada brewery. After all, Jeff and his partners were brand experts, not beer experts. Only there was one big problem. Nevada was not a mature market when it came to breweries. The homegrown beer volume in our state was only 2% compared to 11% nationally. Jeff tried to work with seven other breweries in the state and even a few in California to maintain supply. It was not a workable business venture. Jeff decided to go all in and get in the beer business independently. Capital was raised, and he and his partners put their money where their mouths were. A state-of-the-art 10,000 square-foot production facility was built. The brewery was launched in late October 2019.

What happened next was never anticipated by Battle Born Beer and other small and large businesses. COVID-19 hit. It was now battening down the hatches to stay afloat. With spirit, mind, and heart, Battle Born Beer got through it and is now ready to expand statewide and through the Intermountain West.
Why did Battle Born Beer select Reno as the best Nevada location for the company? Jeff lists lots of reasons. Great community, great people, and business-friendly. Most important is the water from our Sierra Nevada.

What is “cool” about the company is it trademarked the state motto, Battle Born, but knows it belongs to all Nevadans. They offer their facility free of charge to all non-profits to utilize it to raise money for essential programs like the ALS Foundation, Nevada Humane Society, Native American Alumni, and others. Last August, Battle Born Beer helped raise $48,000 for Nevada athletics. For the previous two years, the company has given away 12-packs to University of Nevada, Reno grads, and they are doing it again this year. Such a deal!

Battle Born Beer’s success is rooted in its perseverance and design thinking. The big beer guys tie up key events. Budweiser with college football. Coors with the rodeo. So the company does what the big boys don’t do. They support and sponsor the non-profit Strengthen the Pack and have a big presence in the tailgate area. Battle Born Beer focuses on smaller regional rodeos like the Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo. It’s David vs. Goliath, but they are willing to do what the big guys can’t or are unwilling to do.

What is Battle Born Beer most proud of? Its adaptability, grit, and perseverance. During COVID, when restaurants and bars were forced to shut down, they came up with the Battle Born Stimulus Package. Two 12-Packs for the price of one.  They sold their beer right off their dock.

Battle Born Beer has its share of challenges. Supply chain issues are no joke. Volatility in grain pricing is a huge factor. Can suppliers upped the minimum order quantity from 200K to a million. Their biggest challenge is creating awareness and getting consumers to change their habits from big brew lagers to a quality local alternative.

What question do people often ask Battle Born Beer? “Are you going to make an IPA?” Answer: No, never.
Bill Carter, a writer and documentary maker, once said that “there is no such thing as a bad beer. It’s just some taste better than others.” There is no doubt that Reno-based Battle Born Beer falls in the “taste better” category.
NCET Tech Wednesday, June 8, is your opportunity to learn more about Battle Born Beer.

Sign up early for Battle Born Beer’s onsite presentation tour of their production facility from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. and networking from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. More information at .

Bill Leonard is VP of Communications for NCET and a freelance content writer of lead-generating case studies, brand and success stories, white papers, and results-driven web copy.  Connect with Bill at NCET produces educational and networking events to help people explore business and technology.

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