Award recognizes Ebner’s success delivering high impact global programs – Purdue Agricultural Communications - Pour Motive


Award recognizes Ebner’s success delivering high impact global programs – Purdue Agricultural Communications

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Since that time, Ebner has initiated international collaborations that are strengthening food safety capacity in numerous locations, including in Afghanistan, Cambodia, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Pakistan and Romania. As part of the USDA-funded and IESC implemented Trade Safe (TraSa) project in the Dominican Republic, Ebner collaborated with veterinarians to develop the tool, BioPorc-RD, for farmers to conduct self-assessments of the risk of African swine fever coming to their farms. [story]

“African swine fever infections can lead to 100% mortality on a pig farm and there is no treatment,” said Ebner 

He has worked with universities in Egypt and Afghanistan to improve the employability of students by making their education hands on and applicable.  

“Our research is based on human capital theory, translating education into value in the market.”  

Paul Ebner & students in Cambodia

Paul Ebner works with graduate students in Cambodia, photo provided by FSIL.

He leads the Development and Commercialization of Antibiotic Alternatives for Pakistan Poultry Production project, a collaboration focusing on developing non-antibiotic means to control infections for Pakistan’s rapidly growing poultry industry (11th largest poultry producer in the world). [story]

“This is a chance for Purdue to be involved in something that makes a significant impact to Pakistani poultry producers, but the results will be applicable anywhere,” Ebner says.  

He is a lead investigator for a Food Safety Innovation Lab (FSIL) funded project assessing pathogen transmission in vegetables sold through informal markets in Cambodia and currently serves as a technical expert for FSIL. In Romania, he developed a service-learning course where students worked directly with smallholder dairy farmers on improving milk quality and safety. Through these projects, Ebner has earned a reputation for delivering high impact, globally engaged programs that reach food producers and processors as well as government officials and consumers.

“Probably the best thing about working internationally is learning about other systems and how those systems evolved in that environment,” said Ebner. “It’s always a privilege to learn how people make decisions and what influences those decisions whether its history, religion, environment or other cultural or social factors. In the end, there is usually more than one right way to do something, and we can all learn a lot from each other.”

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