How Hong Kong went from Zero Covid success story to the world’s worst Omicron wave – iNews - Pour Motive


How Hong Kong went from Zero Covid success story to the world’s worst Omicron wave – iNews

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For a long time, Hong Kong was held up as one of the great success stories of Covid. When the pandemic started, it shut down: it closed its borders. For eight whole months, there was not a single case of Covid-19 detected within it. And life for Hong Kongers was relatively normal, at least from a public health perspective. Restaurants were open, schools were open. There were no lockdowns, no bans on household mixing.

Meanwhile, in the UK, tens of thousands were dying; our children were barred from schools; I spent my 40th birthday drinking cans with one friend on a park bench, because larger gatherings were banned. Life was not normal.

But now, Hong Kong is living through a disaster. At the absolute peak of Britain’s second wave, about 18 people in every million were dying from Covid a day, and our health service was creaking under the strain. On 13 March, in Hong Kong, nearly 38 people out of every million died.

How has this happened? A total of 200 people had died of Covid in Hong Kong before this month, fewer than died on any given day in mid-January this year in Britain. Now more than that are dying every 24 hours. The misfortunes and mistakes that led them here are complicated, but at its heart is a strange, almost wilfully upside-down policy decision.

People visit The Peak, a popular tourist location overlooking the city and Victoria Harbour, in Hong Kong on March 10, 2022. (Photo by DALE DE LA REY / AFP) (Photo by DALE DE LA REY/AFP via Getty Images)
The Peak, a popular Hong Kong tourist location. Life in the city had been relatively normal for much of the pandemic, thanks to the Zero Covid strategy (Photo: Dale de la Rey/Getty/AFP)

A Covid success story?

First, says Dr Karen Grepin, an epidemiologist at Hong Kong University, it was wrong to think of Hong Kong as a Covid “success story” to begin with. “You could say it had a successful response for the first two years,” she says, “if you were basing this purely on epidemiological outcomes. Life was pretty much normal.”

There are other criteria than simple epidemiological outcomes: the draconian zero-Covid approach was not always popular, although, she says, “when we had that eight months of no Covid, people were generally pretty supportive.”

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But the pandemic didn’t end in February. Covid-19 was still circulating. And for Hong Kong, it turned out, it was far too early to judge. Despite its apparent success – and arguably, partly, because of it – the country was sowing the seeds of its future disaster.

Those seeds were its vaccination strategy. There’s a complicated story behind why Hong Kong didn’t vaccinate its elderly, but the fundamental reason why the Omicron wave – almost a damp squib in the UK and in much of the West – has been so devastating there is because the country has vaccinated the wrong people.

Vaccines, but not where you want them

On the face of it, Hong Kong’s vaccination programme has been more successful than the UK’s. About 77 per cent of British people, including children, have had at least one jab: in Hong Kong, it’s 85 per cent.

But that headline number is misleading. In the UK, we specifically vaccinated the elderly first. By last summer, more than 90 per cent of the over-65 population had had two doses. By winter, about 80 per cent had had a booster jab. Other at-risk groups were similarly well protected. The logic was obvious: the virus is most deadly to the elderly and vulnerable; vaccinating them would disproportionately reduce the impact of the disease.

In Hong Kong, by contrast, barely a quarter of the over-80s have had two jabs, and only a tiny number have had a booster; the numbers are somewhat better for the over-70s, but not much. Meanwhile the younger groups are much more highly vaccinated.

So when Omicron arrived, it found a population of young people who had mainly been vaccinated and often had their boosters – boosters appear to be extremely effective against Omicron – but an older cohort who, if they had had any vaccines at all, had often had a single jab of Sinovac more than a year ago.

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Here’s roughly what happened. “We were following the Zero Covid approach,” says Professor Ben Cowling, one of Grepin’s colleagues at HKU. “So were mainland China, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore. The idea was to keep infections at zero for long periods, and if there are outbreaks to stop them as quickly as possible.” It’s “difficult and resource-intensive” to do, he says, but the thinking was that it is less costly in the long run than constantly maintaining social distancing rules because there are always cases circulating in the community.

Partly, Hong Kong’s own success up to that point may have worked against it. A scientist friend who was living in Hong Kong for much of the pandemic tells me that its Zero Covid strategy had created complacency. “There had been zero cases for several months,” she said. “I think people assumed the quarantine system would work perfectly, and they didn’t think it was urgent for them to get vaccinated.

“HK is really well prepared with its contact tracing and quarantines. But once the numbers get too high, that becomes unusable. There was little preparation for how to deal with a wide-scale outbreak; they only approved rapid tests after the [latest] wave began.”

A woman uses her phone while sitting in a rest area after receiving the Sinovac Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine at a vaccination centre set up inside a train station in Hong Kong on March 11, 2022. (Photo by DALE DE LA REY / AFP) (Photo by DALE DE LA REY/AFP via Getty Images)
A woman sits after receiving the Sinovac vaccine. Only a minority of Hong Kong’s elderly citizens have had more than one jab, and a large number are unvaccinated (Photo: Dale de la Rey/Getty/AFP)

The eternal Zero Covid

But there were deeper problems, too. Everywhere in the world has some level of vaccine hesitancy, and that’s true in Hong Kong – the vaccines were “politicised”, says Grepin, and a lot of people were unsure whether they could trust what they were being told.

And that was exacerbated by other factors. One, says Cowling, was that – unlike other places – Hong Kong never acknowledged that, at some point, Zero Covid would have to end. “Singapore, Australia and New Zealand recognised that they didn’t want to do it forever,” he says, “so they had an exit plan.”

In Singapore, for example, the health authorities explained to the public “that once vaccine coverage reached a high level, especially in older people, there wouldn’t be so much risk from Covid, because the vaccines would prevent severe disease”. They planned to get the vaccination coverage up, and then gradually relax the policies. “The aim is to eventually have no public health measures, and rely on vaccines and antivirals,” says Cowling.

But in Hong Kong there was no explicit exit strategy. And that contributed, in Cowling’s view, to the low uptake of vaccines. “In a Zero Covid strategy, if it’s working, it’s not so essential to get the coverage up,” he says. “The idea that Zero Covid will continue to work for months or years, but that also the vaccine is a risk worth taking, is a very hard message to get across.”

Another factor was local media. “It’s a small place, we have a very active media, and we have really great data,” says Grepin. “So in the first few weeks after the vaccines arrived, any time anything went wrong with someone after a vaccine it was on the front page of every newspaper, however trivial it was.

“My favourite is a story about a man who went swimming and drowned, and they reported that he’d had Sinovac [the Chinese-made vaccine] two weeks before.”

Living in the Upside Down

This led the Hong Kong government to make what Grepin calls “a critical mistake”. They told the population that if they were worried about the vaccine – if perhaps they have a chronic illness – then they should consult their doctor: the vaccines are “safe, efficacious and also of good quality”, but nonetheless “if they are uncertain” they should see their GP.

“It immediately defeats the point of a public health response,” says Grepin. “It becomes an individual decision, rather than population level.”

Worse than that – it led the entire Hong Kong vaccination programme into a bizarre, through-the-looking-glass world where vaccines were preferentially given to those who needed them least. “It promoted this idea that you had to be healthy,” says Gripen. “Why would you talk to your doctor? Is there something wrong, and if so, does that mean you should or shouldn’t be vaccinated? If you have comorbidities, or are senior, then you need the vaccine more – but the narrative was that, if you were, you shouldn’t get vaccinated.”

This matches my friend’s experience. “One of my mum’s friends was obese, so was told by his GP that he shouldn’t get vaccinated,” she says. “So he lost weight until he was in the overweight category, and finally then got vaccinated.”

Someone else I spoke to said that people with slightly elevated blood pressure were told to wait until they stabilised before getting a jab. It’s a topsy-turvy situation: the more at risk from Covid-19 you are, the more you’re warned against getting the vaccine.

There are other factors. Local media has reported a particularly strong anti-vaccine sentiment in care homes; Cowling suggests that doctors and care home staff were anxious about liability if they reassured a patient that the vaccine was safe and that patient then suffered some health problem.

The public health messaging has also continued to focus on fomite transmission – spreading the virus via contaminated surfaces, rather than via breathing. My scientist friend says that people she knows in Hong Kong are alcohol-sterilising their workstations and any parcels that arrive, and changing their clothes when they come into the office.

That’s a problem that the UK could learn from: we have been similarly, if not quite so dramatically, slow at moving away from the advice to clean surfaces and wash hands, and towards ventilation and meeting outdoors.

There’s also the fact that much of the vaccine coverage was with Sinovac, the Chinese vaccine which is generally less effective than the vaccines used in the West, and that effectiveness wanes more quickly. That said, Grepin is unconvinced that that’s the difference: “Sinovac is doing better than I‘d have guessed,” she says. “The problem isn’t that they’ve had Sinovac, it’s that they haven’t been vaccinated.”

HONG KONG, CHINA - MARCH 11: A woman waits in a queue to register to receive the Sinovac Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine at a vaccination centre set up inside a train station on March 11, 2022 in Hong Kong, China. Hong Kong confirmed more than 29,000 new coronavirus infections with a records of 196 coronavirus-related fatalities in the past 24 hours, in addition to 98 deaths only reported on Friday. Poor vaccine coverage among elderly population results in city reporting the highest death rate in the world. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
Waiting to receive the vaccine. The low rate of vaccination among the elderly means Omicron has caused the highest rate of daily deaths of any country at any point in the pandemic (Photo: Anthony Kwan/Getty)

A disaster by whose standards?

But it’s also worth keeping Hong Kong’s situation in perspective. Their wave right now is huge and devastating, but over the course of the entire pandemic, Hong Kong still have far fewer deaths per capita than most Western countries. “We now have cumulative mortality rates exceeding places like Norway, Iceland, the better-performing European countries,” says Gripen. “We used to compare ourselves to other Zero Covid countries, but we’re on a different scale now.”

However, in comparison with places like the UK, deaths are much lower. And while the current situation is awful, it may at least be mercifully brief: “Around the world the case numbers with Omicron have spiked very fast, and come down very fast,” says Cowling. And it is true that numbers of cases, at least, have been dropping since early March, although deaths are still going up.

That said, there is a particular tragedy to so many deaths coming so late in the pandemic, when vaccines should, really, be keeping most people safe. The UK made many mistakes in the early days of the crisis, but its decision to focus relentlessly on getting its elderly and vulnerable protected, and to roll out boosters rapidly, has paid off significantly over the last year.

Omicron is deadly in an immunologically naive population but far more toothless in a fully vaccinated one: “Singapore’s Omicron wave has peaked,” says Grepin. “They never exceeded their hospital capacity. They had mortality, but not so bad.” New Zealand could tell a similar story.

A young woman poses for a picture for her friend while visiting Yu Garden during the celebration of the Lantern Festival which marks the end of Lunar New Year celebrations, in Shanghai, on February 15, 2022. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) (Photo by HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images)
New Year celebrations in Shanghai. Much of mainland China could face similar problems to Hong Kong, if their vaccination rates among the elderly do not improve quickly (Photo: Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty)

The next Hong Kong

Hong Kong is not unique. There are other places around east Asia and Australasia that followed a Zero Covid strategy and which are also full of vaccine-sceptical older people. Taiwan and Macau are obvious examples, but so is mainland China. “Macau has horrible vaccination rates among seniors, just like here,” says Grepin. “Taiwan has slightly better but still not great.”

Neither has seen a major Omicron wave yet. And the mainland has many cities with similar issues, and no clear Zero Covid exit strategy. Hong Kong should be a salutary lesson for them, says Cowling. “My colleagues and I were recommending a different strategy for vaccination months ago,” he says. “Instead of saying Zero Covid would be the strategy for months or years, say it’s the current plan, but we need vaccination in case of an outbreak, and we can’t promise there won’t be one.”

It’s too late to stop that in Hong Kong now, but a similar disaster in their neighbours could still be avoided. Getting the elderly vaccinated, and fast, is the key, perhaps with a clear timeline for an exit from Zero Covid strategies. Other Covid success stories could, if they act fast, remain so.

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